5 reasons why you should pay someone to manage your WordPress website

Does your business have a WordPress website? It can be tempting to save money by managing every aspect of it yourself from maintenance to software updates. Here are some of the reasons why you should instead pay a professional to handle these tasks for you.

Manage Your Time More Effectively

One of the most significant benefits of hiring a WordPress website manager is that it will free up more time in your business. Many people assume that managing a WordPress site is simple and this isn’t always the case. Indeed, the correct level of management could actually take hours of your business day. These are the hours that you could be spending in other areas of your business. So, with a management service, you will be able to focus on core processes related to brand growth rather than the technical aspects of your website. You will also still have the peace of mind you need that these tasks are being handled the right way.

Increase Security

It’s true to say that security is a top concern for users online today. The paranoia surrounding data theft is at an all-time high and for good reason. By 2020, it’s expected that there will be a hack on a business every 20 seconds and smaller online companies will be affected by this. They are actually more at risk as criminals assume that they will have lower security standards. A management team will help you prove them wrong, guaranteeing that standard and advanced WordPress security protocols are in place. They can also monitor your site for potential issues and ensure that a problem is corrected before it grows out of control.

Discover Expert Advice

With a WordPress website manager, you won’t just have a team that handles the basics for you. You will also have experts on your side able to offer you advice on all aspects of your site. This does include security as well as SEO. Optimizing your site is a vital consideration if you want to guarantee that you get the right level of interest online. A WordPress site manager can help here and provide advice on everything from the type of content you need to how to use keywords and links effectively. They can even ensure that your website design is set up the right way to gain the maximum impact on ranking and performance.

One of the biggest benefits of choosing WordPress as your website platform is that it’s incredibly flexible. With a Wordpress website manager, you can take advantage of this. They will instruct you on the best ways to grow your website and provide more value to users.

Keep Your Site Updated

Your site does need to be updated regularly and this is crucial for a variety of reasons. Regular updates will ensure that your website is optimized for SEO and digital marketing. This includes both the design of the site and the content. A failure to keep your site updated in these key areas will impact the ranking that the Google algorithm provides as well as the opinion of customers and clients. You need to ensure that your brand continues to look fresh and exciting.

Of course, security becomes a consideration here too. Core and plugin updates are required and necessary to avoid potential security issues. If you are not constantly monitoring this issue, then there is a strong chance you will miss a crucial update and leave your business vulnerable.

Keep Your Systems Backed Up

One of the final benefits of selecting a business to manage your WordPress website is that they can arrange a backup for you. Either through a malicious attack or a potential tech error, it is possible that your systems can crash. Without a backup, you could be back to square one and at a significant disadvantage. It could even lead to a long period of downtime where customers will be unable to discover your brand. With a management service, systems can be backed up regularly and restored within minutes if disaster does strike. As such, you can keep downtime at the absolute minimum level.

Ready to hire a WordPress expert?

When you are looking for the right team to handle the management of your Wordpress website, it’s important to find a business that can offer all the services you need. At RelyWP, you’ll discover a comprehensive solution that includes WordPress consultancy, maintenance tasks, managed hosting, managed software updates, daily backups, performance optimisations, SEO & digital marketing analytics and much more.

Using the best WordPress team to manage your website will enable you to take your company to new heights and see increased levels of growth, with more time to focus on the things you do best!

View our WordPress care plans at https://relywp.com/pricing

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